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قديم 09-05-2010, 05:23 PM
الصورة الرمزية reham
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افتراضي the government failed as usual

The government failed as usual

By / Amr Ellissy

Is there anyone who is the greatest to Muslims in all parts of the world from the grand imam of Al-Azhar? This position is the highest one in Islam and has its appreciation and veneration from Muslims, scientists, rulers, princes, and presidents. Sheikh Al-Azhar has a status among Muslims who know his value, his position, and his role in publishing Islam. Despite the facts mentioned above, here in Egypt, we do not feel this high position because our government is absent and does not know the value of Sheikh Al-Azhar. When I talk about Sheikh Al-Azhar, I talk about a religious position far from the name of its owner because they are competent scientists who have their appreciation and honor. When our Sheikh (Mohamed Sayed Tantawi) died, the government stands silently as nothing had happened. The Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Nazeif does not think in declaring official mourning on sheikh Al-Azhar. He does not think in giving his instructions to media to respect the feelings of Muslims in Egypt and abroad and change the maps of its programs, its movies, and its series. Our honor to sheikh Al-Azhar after he died is a respect to the grand religious establishment which has its veneration at all Muslims in Arab world. AL-Azhar is the lighthouse of Egypt which was known for Al-Azhar. Thousands of scholars who touring the globe to establish Islamic Dawa and urge for the noble mortality are graduated from it. It seems that Dr.Nazeif does not know the value of sheikh Al-Azhar to honor him the right honor. What he could do is the standing as mourning upon his soul. He just goes to the solace. Simply he goes to the funeral in Omar Makram mosque as if his dues in a normal man. Despite the fact that Nazeif had forgotten the value of sheikh Al-Azhar, there are many of the senior officials in the state must remember him about what he must do in these cases. Is it reasonable that the solace of the man be in Omar Makram? Did not more worthy that this solace be in Al-Azhar mosque. Unfortunately, the government devoted everyday the idea of its bias against religion and its men and assured what the citizen feels that it does not respect men like sheikh Al-Azhar. Ahmed Nazeif has failed in the first exam as he is the responsible for the works of the president. I am completely confident that if the president Moubark was in Egypt, he does not hesitate in honor the grand sheikh after his death. God bless sheikh Al-Azhar, forgive the prime minister for his bad behavior and wrestle us the right in the selection of the new sheikh Al-Azhar to be the sound of truth and the sound of Islam and Muslims.

هل تعرف كم احببتك
هل تعرف كم افتقدك
يا من ترك الدنيا بكل متعتها
اليوم تذهب الى الالهه الخالق
كيوم فيه ولدت باكيا
فهل تذهب بحسنات ام سيئات
حتى تلاقى الله ضاحكا مسرورا

رد مع اقتباس

مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

الكلمات الدلالية (Tags)
failed, government, usual

الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1)
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