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قديم 09-30-2011, 04:40 PM
الصورة الرمزية reham
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افتراضي The secrets of the relation between Tantawi and Mubarak, the father and the son

The secrets of the relation between Tantawi and Mubarak, the father and the son

Always, the Field Marshal in Egypt is the first man of the president . Also, the Field Marshal is the president’s eye inside the armed forced. If the Field Marshal is not ambitious and popular in the armed forced, he will admire the president and take his confidence. But if he is popular, exceeds the limits, and rejects the president’s decisions, the honeymoon will end between the president and the Field Marshal. Hence, the president thinks how he gets rid of the Field Marshal. Throughout the history ,as I said in the previous two articles, the end between the president and the Field Marshal was dramatic. Always, the president wins the match, and this is what happened between Nasser and Amer, Sadat and Ahmed Badawi, and Mubarak and Abu-Ghazaleh. But the question here is why does the Field Marshal Tantawi turn on president Mubarak? It is known for people the great relation between Mubarak and Tantawi. Also, the continuing of the Field Marshal in authority for along term was a source of many rumors that circulated in Egyptian streets. Also, from these rumors are that Mubarak anticipates Field Marshal to help him in his scenario of Hereditary and transferring the authority to his son Gamal. This is what was known for people, but not everything saying is true. The most important thing is the latest of the business .

At the same time , there were many rumors spread that the relation between field marshal Tantawi and Gamal Mubarak is not good because of what Gamal and his friends do from crimes of corruption. Between now and then, it was leaking from the corridors of council of ministers the rejection of field Marshal on sales processes which was made under the name of privatization. The most of this is that the relation between field marshal and nazeif was not good for the same reasons. Also, the leaks that some from now and then say that army is not satisfied with the corruption in Egypt. The information confirm that the relation between field marshal and president's wife is not good. He also discloses this and expresses his opinion clearly about the excesses which she and her son made. It was known that the only dissenting voice in the meeting rooms of council of ministers was the voice of field marshal. In recent years, the position of field marshal in a lot of economic and political decisions which the government took was negative. When one of the ministers went to request a recommendation from Mubarak to the field marshal, he replies does not care about the army. It seems that Mubarak knew that the only institution which he should deal with sensitivity is the military establishment. During the last period, the field marshal can choose his military leaders far from Mubarak. Mubarak was careful to choose his leaders of the republican guard only as Sadat had done before. The beginning of the end of the relation between the Field Marshal Tantawi and the president Mubarak comes from the appearance of succession idea clearly inside the presidential institution. A tidal waves of negation swept the armed force and the rejection was on the character of Gamal and the next president is the president's son. According to the information obtained and one of the members of military council confirmed in press releases that the army would make a coup on Mubarak in next September if he thinks in nomination his son to the presidency.. this confirms the true reason that makes the army and the field marshal support the youth revolution which is that the army has found the chance to end the succession project . it is clearly appeared that the field marshal was outside the photo frame from the beginning of the revolution and Mubarak depended on Habib al-Adli, Anas el-Feki in dealing with the demonstrators. It is said that when Mubarak has to dismissal of the government of Ahmed Nazeif , he presented to the field marshal the position of vice president of the republic or prime ministers, but the field marshal refuses the two positions completely. The reply was clear in the second from February to the supreme council of armed force which is the followed day of the deliberately of Mubarak to film with the army leaders to give an impression to people that the army is with him. But the reaction of the army was clear in the followed day in the statement issued from the military council in which he confirmed his support to the army to the legitimate rights of people in his demands and the most important demand is the departure of Mubarak.

And there is another talk about the relation between Mubarak and the Field Marshal.

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